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Blame the world for US Cyber

US Cyber Crybabies

The Dems blaming the world for stupidity in Internet management.

The news today is the USA security teams blame the world for the bad use of the Internet. Today they are blaming the Russians, yesterday it was China, and the day before it was North Korea. How stupid are we? We designed the internet. Or should I say Al gore did? When are we going to take responsibility for this internet we designed? All this hot air from the media and the Democrats will do nothing to the problem at hand. Americans are being taken by this internet daily and our government does nothing.

US cyber-malware-attack-threats
Dems cryiny about Russia
US cyber crybabies about Russia

What we need to do is be responsible and design an internet that protects Americans. But the media and the current administration are crying about Russia.  I have never seen so many babies in my life. Fix the internet. It can be fixed. I have been involved in many aspects of the Internet over my career. It’s time to get it right,  The WWW as it is is a joke. Stop making social media rich and protect Americans.

I hope this wakes up somebody, but I don’t think that will happen. The search engines are in a habit of limiting anyone from seeing my sites. I have been blogging for many years and for the last 3 years you must pay the trolls to get noticed. There are more rules to keep the rich, rich. We need established laws to protect all US internet users. We need the constitution applied to the US Internet. Google, Facebook and Microsoft control us peasants and make millions on our data. They give nothing back except cyber bulling

.Checkout these links WWW bad needs Revamping, Fourth Branch of Government, America losing control Internet, Cyber Threat, and America Conservative Opinion Website

Dan Frantz

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Blame the world for US Cyber

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